Celluligem - Line - without packaging BIO, 50 ml

from Herbalgem
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Celluligem d'Herbalgem, synergy of chestnut buds, ash and hazel, drains the body deeply and eliminates cellulite durably.

Celluligem: your slimming ally

Celluligem Herbalgem is a synergistic extract of buds, useful during dieting to fight against the long-term effects of cellulite.


The Line Complex:
  • Permanently eliminates cellulite.
  • Drains the body.
  • Eliminates toxins.
  • Fights water retention.


  • The chestnut bud is a drainer of the circulatory system. It is indicated in overload phenomena. It acts on the feeling of heaviness.
  • The ash bud has a diuretic action. It helps eliminate cholesterol and uric acid. Ash is useful in cases of overweight, and cellulite installed. It supports thinning in case of excess weight.
  • The bud of hazel gradually dissolves cellulite.


10 to 15 drops of Celluligem per day in the morning, pure (keep 20 seconds in the mouth on the tongue) or diluted in a little water, or better still diluted in a tablespoon of Depurasève , all in a bottle of eau L. water
To maximize the benefits of the cure, it is helpful to monitor your diet and drink enough to promote elimination.
In case of excess weight, Celluligem will first eliminate superfluous waste before tackling cellulite. A cure of 3 vials is necessary to obtain good results.

Association possible

The action of Celluligem will be amplified by associating Cellusève .


Buds of chestnut *, ash * and hazelnut *, alcohol * (35%), water, vegetable glycerin.
 * Ingredients from organic farming. 


(Formerly: Cellubase / GC05 Complex)
Bottle of 50 ml
Label Organic Agriculture

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